Scientific Journal Articles

On technology, entrepreneurship and planetary habitability

All my papers can be accessed via Orcid or the Web of Science.

Citation reports and rankings are available on Google Scholar, IDEAS/RePEC and

Entrepreneurship is Not Sustainable: Growth, Green Growth and Degrowth:

The Myth of Entrepreneurship as a Tool: Reorienting Business Venturing as a Goal in Itself in a Post-Growth Society, Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 2025, (with Mazzoni, L. and Innocenti, N).

No, Degrowth Won’t Save Us, 2023, British Medical Journal , 382: p2245.

Entrepreneurship Is Dangerously Obsessed with Growth and Incompatible with Current Visions of a Post-growth Society, 2024, IZA Discussion Paper No. 17158, Bonn: IZA Institute of Labor Economics.

Entrepreneurship and Development: Realities and Future Prospects - A Review, Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 36: 173–178, 2021,

The Intersection of the Fields of Entrepreneurship and Development Economics: A Review Towards a New View, Journal of Economic Surveys, 33 (2): 389–403, 2019, (with Hessels, J.).

Regulating the Negative Externalities of Enterprise Cluster Innovations: Lessons from Vietnam, Innovation and Development, 4 (2): 203–219, 2014, (with Voeten, J.).

Climate Change and Industrial Policy, Sustainability, 3 (7): 1003–1021, 2011,

Entrepreneurship is not a Binding Constraint on Growth and Development in the Poorest Countries, World Development, 39 (1): 33–44, 2011,

Entrepreneurship, Developing Countries and Development Economics: New Approaches and Insights, Small Business Economics Journal, 34 (1): 1–12, 2010,

Regional Determinants of Entrepreneurial Start-Ups in a Developing Country, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 20 (2): 111–124, 2008, (with Gries. T. and Wood, E.).

Theoretical Models of Entrepreneurship, Stagnation and Underdevelopment:

The Entrepreneurship Beveridge Curve, International Journal of Economic Theory, 12 (1): 151–165, 2016, (with Gries, T. and Jungblutt, S.).

Entrepreneurship and Human Development: A Capability Approach, Journal of Public Economics, 95 (3): 216–224, 2011, (with Gries, T.).

Entrepreneurship and Structural Economic Transformation, Small Business Economics Journal, 34 (1): 13–29, 2010, (with Gries, T.).

Entrepreneurship and Regional Economic Growth: Towards a General Theory of Start-Ups, The European Journal of Social Science Research, 22 (3): 309–328, 2009, (with Gries, T.).

Trade and Endogenous Formation of Regions in a Developing Country, Review of Development Economics, 12 (2): 248–275, 2008, (with Gries, T. ).

Entrepreneurship and Conflict:

Business under Fire: Entrepreneurship and Violent Conflict in Developing Countries, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 57: 3–19, 2013, (with Brück, T. and Verwimp, P.).

Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Violent Conflict in Developing Countries, Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 24 (2): 161–178, 2011, (with Brück, T. and Verwimp, P.).

The Conflict between Social Role Expectations and Entrepreneurial Role Demands among Women Entrepreneurs in Sub-Saharan Africa: Empirical Study from Ethiopia, Gender in Management: an International Journal, 36 (3): 430–448, 2021, (with Hundera, M., Duysters, G. and Dijkhuizen, J.).

How do Role Conflict Intensity and Coping Strategies affect the Success of Women Entrepreneurs in Africa?” Journal of Small Business Management, 59 (6): 1180–1210, 2020, (with Hundera, M., Duysters, G. and Dijkhuizen, J.).

Public-Private Entanglement: Entrepreneurship in Lebanon’s Hybrid Political Order, Journal of Development Studies, 52 (2): 254–268, 2016, (with Stel, N.).

Entrepreneurship and the Great Stagnation:

The End of the Empire that Entrepreneurship Built: How Seven Sources of Rot will Undo the West, Foundations and Trends® in Entrepreneurship, 2024, 20 (5): 400–492.

From the Entrepreneurial to the Ossified Economy, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2022, 46 (1): 105-131.

Late Industrialisation and Global Value Chains under Platform Capitalism, Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 2023, 50: 91-119.

Global Finance after the Crisis: Reform Imperatives and Vested Interests, Global Economy Journal, 11 (2): 6, 2011,

Entrepreneurship on the Margins: Migrant, Refugee and Rural Entrepreneurship:

Refugee Entrepreneurship: Context and Directions for Future Research, Small Business Economics, 2021, 56: 933-945. (with Desai, S. and Stel, N.)

Migration, Entrepreneurship and Development: Critical Questions, IZA Journal of Migration, 6 (5), 2017,

Migrant Remittances Provide Resilience Against Disasters in Africa, Atlantic Economic Journal, 42 (1): 79–90, 2014, (with Bezuidenhout, H.).

Non-Farm Enterprises in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa: New Empirical Evidence, Food Policy, 67: 175–219, 2017, (with Nagler, P.).

Spatial Proximity and Firm Performance: Evidence from Non-Farm Rural Enterprises in Ethiopia and Nigeria, Regional Studies, 51 (5): 688–700, 2016, https://10.1080/00343404.2015.1131896 (with Owoo, N.).

What do We Know About the Patterns and Determinants of Female Entrepreneurship Across Countries? The European Journal of Development Research, 22 (3): 277–293, 2010, (with Minniti, M.).

The Determinants of Migration from Sub-Saharan African Countries, Journal of African Economies, 19 (3): 330–356, 2010,

Entrepreneurship, Vulnerability and Disasters:

Extreme Events, Entrepreneurial Start-Ups, and Innovation: Theoretical Conjectures, Economics of Disasters & Climate Change, 2021, 5(3): 329-353. (with Gries, T.).

Industrialization under medieval conditions? Global development after COVID-19, Covid Economics, 2020, 55 (4): 100-121.

Reorienting Entrepreneurial Support Infrastructure to Tackle a Social Crisis: A Rapid Response, Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 14: e00181, 2020, (P. Munoz, T. Williams, and F. Rodrigo).

COVID-19 and the City: Did Urbanized Countries Suffer more Fatalities?” Cities, 131: 103-909, 2022, (with Nagler, P.).

Entrepreneurship, Structural Change and a Global Economic Crisis, Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 1 (3): 4, 2011, (with Gries, T.).

Vulnerability, Trade, Financial Flows and State Failure in Small Island Developing States, Journal of Development Studies, 46 (5): 815–827, 2010, (with Santos-Paulino, A. and McGillivray, M.).

Artificial Intelligence, Growth and Inequality:

Artificial Intelligence in Economics, Journal for Labour Market Research, 2022, 56 (12). (with Gries, T).

Artificial Intelligence: Neither Utopian nor Apocalyptic Impacts Soon, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2021, 30(1): 1-23.

Data Deprivations, Data Gaps and Digital Divides: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic, Big Data & Society, 2021, 19 August, (with Vinuesa, R.).

Artificial Intelligence vs COVID-19: Limitations, Constraints and Pitfalls, AI & Society, 2020, 35 (3): 761-765.

The Race for an Artificial General Intelligence: Implications for Public Policy, AI & Society, 2020, 35 (2): 367–379. (with Dimitri, N.)

What They Don't Teach You about Artificial Intelligence at Business School: Stagnation, Oil, and War, 2024, IZA Discussion Paper No. 17306, Bonn: IZA Institute of Labor Economics.

Artificial Intelligence and the Discovery of New Ideas: Is an Economic Growth Explosion Imminent? 2024, IZA Discussion Paper No. 16766 ( with Derick Almeida and Tiago Neves Sequeira)

Destructive Digital Entrepreneurship, 2024, IZA Discussion Paper No. 16483

“Intelligente Eindammungsstrategien gegen COVID-19: Die Rolle von KI und grossen Daten, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 21 (3): 311–322, 2020,

Entrepreneurship and Burn-out:

Entrepreneurship and Subjective Well-Being: Does the Motivation to Start-Up a Firm Matter?” Journal of Business Research, 127: 389–398, 2021, (with J.E. Amorós and O. Cristi).

Surfeiting, the Appetite May Sicken’: Entrepreneurship and Happiness, Small Business Economics Journal, 42 (1): 523–540, 2014, (with J.E. Amorós and O. Cristi).

Should We Romanticize Penniless Entrepreneurs? Startups and Human Wellbeing across Countries, Academy of Management Proceedings, 2012 (1): p. 15 914, 2012, (with J.E. Amorós and O. Cristi).